Monday, February 8, 2010

Haiti - Day 7

Today was another great day of effective ministry.  We spent a good portain of the day working at the warehouse.  It is now about 80% organized, all the while 1000's of meals go out the door each day.  It is a major hub of operations now that most distribution points are functioning well and ran by long term missionaries and Haitian Christians.  What a great privilege to be part of the process of seeing God glorified in the midst of such massive disaster. 

I spent time at the medical clinic just down the hill from the warehouse.  Every part of the facility buzzed with activity.  Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel were assisting with wounds, infections and operations in subpar facilities.  As Mike and I took supply orders from the doctors, it was a privilege to get what they needed from our warehouse.  Thank you Jesus.

Thank you for all who have prayed.  It truly is paying off.

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