As I tried to clock in at my part time job, I discovered that my driver's license was six days past its expiration date. Since my part time job involves delivering pizza, my amused boss just laughed and told me I could not work tonight. I thought in my embarrassment, "Whoever looks at their driver's license?" and "Why do you have to have your driver's license renewed so often?"
As I settled in to have an unexpected, relaxing night with my family, I began to realized many things have an expiration date. Spoiled milk, moldy bread, and lapsed car insurance all occur due to the passage of its expiration date. Other things expire slower and without an date, but they spoil just the same. Business' that lack integrity, friendships without apologies, and eternal happiness without God are just a few of the most important.
God, the next time I accidentally sip on some chunky milk or endure the lines of the B.M.V., please remind me not to neglect what is most important ... You.
1 comment:
Pastor Carl, you have good tidbits in your blogs that apply to our day to day life. A belated Happy Birthday to you!
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