"AM I GOING TO HIT THAT TREE?! -- WILL I STOP IN TIME?! -- IS MY CAR GOING TO GET STUCK ON THIS CRUNCHY ICY GRASS?" ... My car did come to a stop, it did not hit the tree and I easily backed out off the grass . . . but in that moment, I was not sure what would happen.
The feeling of being out of control was at first exciting, then fearful and finally relieving when I knew all was safe. Our lives can sometimes feel that way. Circumstances come that are out of our control. Other situations may even tempt us to feel overwhelmed and walk in fear. During times like these, the only sure place to go to find peace and get guidance is with God. He always calms our fears and helps us put the circumstances of life into there proper perspective.
Besides, many of the stresses in my life come from hitting the gas pedal at just the wrong time.
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