It seldom barks, smiles or even moves. His round body labors across the room under his furry, short legs. "Max", my sister's pug, is docile, unplayful -- basically boring. Oh course, my sister has a different perspective. She sees Max as humble, patient, loyal, and extremely tolerant.
I will admit, the longer I was around Max's compliant personality, slow motion walk, and pitiful face; the more I enjoyed his company. He is the kind of dog that has no expectations of your relationship to him, no agenda, and no complaints. He just sits in your lap totally content. All he desires is to be close to you.
God is much the same. His desire to be close to us is unmatched. He is always available and ready to sit with us at any time. He loves being with us more than anything.
I guess Max isn't so boring after all.
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