He searched and searched the church lobby with no luck. Our 5 year old diligently went from person to person looking for someone "who did not know God" to give his homemade valentine. He found no one.
His disappoint would be short-lived, however, as our family entered a local nursing home two days later. He grasped the simple heart-shaped valentine with anticipation, hoping that he would find someone who needed it. His goal would be accomplished as he approached the first person in his view, the nursing home's maintenance man. "Hello, happy valentines day, Jesus loves you," he said with a great big smile filled with joy. The man seemingly surprised by Spencer's boldness, but blessed by his kindness received the hand crafted gift.
Spencer's simple act of love exemplified 1 Thessalonians 5:15b where it states, "... always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else." I am often kind to the "each others" in my life -- those I know; my friends. Spencer challenged me to be kind to "everyone else".
His disappoint would be short-lived, however, as our family entered a local nursing home two days later. He grasped the simple heart-shaped valentine with anticipation, hoping that he would find someone who needed it. His goal would be accomplished as he approached the first person in his view, the nursing home's maintenance man. "Hello, happy valentines day, Jesus loves you," he said with a great big smile filled with joy. The man seemingly surprised by Spencer's boldness, but blessed by his kindness received the hand crafted gift.
Spencer's simple act of love exemplified 1 Thessalonians 5:15b where it states, "... always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else." I am often kind to the "each others" in my life -- those I know; my friends. Spencer challenged me to be kind to "everyone else".
WOW-Our children have a great way to show and remind us what is right. You have Great kids, and I'm not just saying that b/c they're my neice and nephews:)
WOW-our kids have a great way of showing and reminding us of what is right! Your kids are GREAT, and I'm not just saying that b/c they are my neice and nephews:)
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