As I walked up the poorly lit stairs to my boys bedroom, I could feel a slight chill coming from above. I entered the room, plugged in their heater and sat at their side. Though they have bunkbeds, they still sleep together in the spacious bottom bunk. As they nestled in under the soft covers, I sensed a warmst welling up in me. This nightly ritual of prayer and good night hugs is a powerful and precious time.
Most profound to me, is that God hears every word of blessing, protection, and provision that I pray over my sons. Lord, help me not to take these moments for granted.
Most profound to me, is that God hears every word of blessing, protection, and provision that I pray over my sons. Lord, help me not to take these moments for granted.
Happy belated birthday Pastor Carl. My blackberry called you by mistake as it rested in my coat pocket. I'd like to take credit for calling you. I enjoyed reading your blog page, it felt like I had a visit with your lovely family. Have a blessed week!!!!
You are absolutely right about not taking those times for granted. I often say it seems like it takes them forever to get out of elementary school, they get out of middle school pretty quickly, high school goes even faster, and college flies by. Your input into their lives starts to decrease by about middle school, and when they leave for college your work is about finished (whether you agree that it is finished or not). Cherish those times and make the most of them.
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