My final two days involved flying to the Dominigan Republic with a overnight stay in Santa Domingo. After a good meal, soft bed and good nights sleep, it was back on the plane to fly to Orlando. In Orlando, the final two Convoy of Hope staff and I parted ways and I settled in for a 3 hour layover awaiting my flight to Indy. My final day of flying involved opportunities to represent Jesus with fellow travelors. I was met in Indy by good friends Tim and Darlene and my wonderful, beautiful wife Annette.
As I reflect on my days in Haiti, I am excited about all that God used us to do. Over three million meals were served though churches, missionaries and other Christian groups with food God provided through Convoy of Hope. 800 - 5 gallon water filtration systems were prepared and 2 - corporate water filtration systems installed that will serve clean water to the community for years to come. A 7200 square foot warehouse was organized with flow of supplies becoming smoother and more efficient. Not to mention all medical aid, numerous opportunities to pray with others and much more.
I will also remember the many people I met - people like Paul, Nick and Bob, Convoy of Hope Staff that were in Haiti for nearly a month dedicating their time and talents without any time off. I will remember Dr Torres and her medical team that tireless performed life saving surgeries in subpar conditions. And I will remember the people of Haiti, who have suffered so much. Everyone I met or ministered along side were selfless, anointed and effective. It was such a privilege to minister in such a needy place with dedicated, Christ followers. And it was a total honor to see people drawn to Jesus because of our efforts.
Thank you Jesus for it all. I look forward to the next such opportunity.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I Want To Go To Haiti - by Annette
Is Daddy done with that plane? This question came from our three year old son Cooper. Yes, he is in Haiti. A great big smile came on his face and he said "Yeah now we can go to Haiti!" No, we have to stay here I lovingly told him. He began to sob. He was really sad and a little angry too. " I want to go" he cried. I decided to find out why. Do you miss Daddy? His answer surprised me. "Yes, I miss my daddy, but I want to give them(people in Haiti) water and cookies. I will also give them Spencer's quarters. Spencer had two more pennies on top of the microwave that he found and asked if we could send to help people in Haiti. Cooper was looking at the pennies when he said he'd give "Spencer's quarters." I was really sad that he was crying and sad and yet at the same time I was excited that at such a young age he understands what it means to go. He doesn't exactly understand--but his Daddy, who is a wonderful role model to all our kids, has taught him what it means to serve, pray for, and love others. For this I am very thankful. I love you and miss you Carl. You are the best dad and husband in the whole world.
Haiti - Day 9
Today, I spent time in the medical clinic and ward. Teeseen, a 13 year old girl with pins holding her right leg together was in the ward. She had a beautiful smile that peered up at me from her make-shift hospital bed. We laughed as we looked at pictures of my kids. At the end of our visit, I prayed for her. Even though we could not speak each other's language, she understood that I was asking God to touch her. My entire time visiting patients in the ward was awesome.
Later, I went to the less than ideal, under supplied medical clinic / ER / OR. During my time there, I had the opportunity to observe two surgeries. First, a man with a broken arm that had healed incorrectly. The doctors really had to pull hard on the bones to get them back into place. Second, a paraplegic with bed sores that went all the way to the bone on three parts of his lower body. The surgeon said he would of died within a couple of days if they had not operated on him to get all the dead infected muscle out. His chances of survival are not high, but his chance at eternity is wide open. After the surgery, the doctors, medical staff, about eight of his family, and myself gathered around him and prayed for God to minister to him. It was a powerful moment.
We start our two day journey home tomorrow. Our trip takes us from Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo to Orlando to Indianapolis. I am really going to miss ministering in Haiti, but I am looking forward to coming home to be with all of you. Thank you again to all you have prayed and given to make this powerful, anointed opportunity occur.
Later, I went to the less than ideal, under supplied medical clinic / ER / OR. During my time there, I had the opportunity to observe two surgeries. First, a man with a broken arm that had healed incorrectly. The doctors really had to pull hard on the bones to get them back into place. Second, a paraplegic with bed sores that went all the way to the bone on three parts of his lower body. The surgeon said he would of died within a couple of days if they had not operated on him to get all the dead infected muscle out. His chances of survival are not high, but his chance at eternity is wide open. After the surgery, the doctors, medical staff, about eight of his family, and myself gathered around him and prayed for God to minister to him. It was a powerful moment.
We start our two day journey home tomorrow. Our trip takes us from Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo to Orlando to Indianapolis. I am really going to miss ministering in Haiti, but I am looking forward to coming home to be with all of you. Thank you again to all you have prayed and given to make this powerful, anointed opportunity occur.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Haiti - Day 8
Today we went into Port au Prince to Quisqueya Chapel. This church is truly a place of refuge in the midst of chaos. Since day trhee after the earthquake, they have been distributing Convoy of Hope provided food. Within a weeks time, they distributed over 9000 meals to individual families that come to the compound. They also distribute food to nine different missionaries, pastors or other christian leaders who in turn distribute food to make shift tent communities all over Port au Prince. In addition, they also provide food to five different orphanages. On top of all this, they offer prayer and a Book of Hope to everyone who will receive it. All this compassion filled, organized ministry is done in Jesus name. And this is just one distrubtion point of many that Convoy of Hope provides aid -- way, way, way cool.
Our purpose for going to Quisqueya Chapel is to install a Culligan Water Filtration System on the compound. This system will provide clean drinking water at a rate of 14,0000 gallons in a 24 hour period. Quisqueya Chapel will now be able to add clean water distribution as part of their ministry. It will help with reduction of diease in the area and give the church another opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ. This is the 2nd water filtration system we installed this week, with another coming soon.
Again, thank you Jesus for another great day of ministry. I have had the opportunity to be anointed of God and see awesome results. Please keep praying for the need is great -- but our God is bigger.
Our purpose for going to Quisqueya Chapel is to install a Culligan Water Filtration System on the compound. This system will provide clean drinking water at a rate of 14,0000 gallons in a 24 hour period. Quisqueya Chapel will now be able to add clean water distribution as part of their ministry. It will help with reduction of diease in the area and give the church another opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ. This is the 2nd water filtration system we installed this week, with another coming soon.
Again, thank you Jesus for another great day of ministry. I have had the opportunity to be anointed of God and see awesome results. Please keep praying for the need is great -- but our God is bigger.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Haiti - Day 7
Today was another great day of effective ministry. We spent a good portain of the day working at the warehouse. It is now about 80% organized, all the while 1000's of meals go out the door each day. It is a major hub of operations now that most distribution points are functioning well and ran by long term missionaries and Haitian Christians. What a great privilege to be part of the process of seeing God glorified in the midst of such massive disaster.
I spent time at the medical clinic just down the hill from the warehouse. Every part of the facility buzzed with activity. Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel were assisting with wounds, infections and operations in subpar facilities. As Mike and I took supply orders from the doctors, it was a privilege to get what they needed from our warehouse. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for all who have prayed. It truly is paying off.
I spent time at the medical clinic just down the hill from the warehouse. Every part of the facility buzzed with activity. Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel were assisting with wounds, infections and operations in subpar facilities. As Mike and I took supply orders from the doctors, it was a privilege to get what they needed from our warehouse. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for all who have prayed. It truly is paying off.
HOW REFRESHING! - by Annette
Some days are better than others right? I am glad because today I just don't "feel like it" you know don't feel like being a good mom or a good person for that matter. I am tired and I miss Carl like crazy. Whine Whine Whine!!! As I am whining I feel like David. The minute all of these thoughts rush to my mind I begin telling God how sorry I am for being a jerk. This point is where REFRESHING comes in. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out,that times of REFRESHING may come from the Lord." I pray for Carl and the Convoy of Hope team. Strengthen and REFRESH them in a special way. I pray that they would feel a fresh raining of your Holy Spirit today. The people of Haiti are saying "I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord; REFRESH my heart in Christ." Philemon v. 20. Proverbs 11:25 says "A generous man will prosper; he who REFRESHES others will himself be REFRESHED." Thank you Lord that when we focus on REFRESHING others we are REFRESHED.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Haiti - Day 6
Today brought a total ly different opportunity of ministry and it was awesome. After going into town for supplies, we took 200 hygiene packs (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) to a rural community about 30 minutes from Port au Prince. Convoy of Hope, prior to the earthquake, had been feeding 200 children a day in this village of 3200. As we took our SUV up a rocky road, suddenly this community appeared. Down the trail I could hear preaching coming from a small retangular cinder block buidling. As I walked inside, the church was packed with people soaking in the truth from the pastor's passionate preaching. Being amongst fellow christians truly made me feel at home.
As church ended, we made our way back down the trail to our vehicle. From the side of our vehicle, we handed out 200 hygiene packs in about 30 minutes. The pastor organized and decided who got packs, one per family. It was so cool to assist the church, show love to the people, and represent Jesus well.
Before we left, I had the opportunity to play pass with the nerf football I brought, give away candy to the kids and show pictures of my family to all who would look. All this was done in an attempt to connect with the people in love. What an awesome time of ministry!
Now I am watching updates of the super bowl on an on again off again wifi signal -- Colts 10 / Saints 6. I miss watching the game with all of you, but it is a very small sacrifice that is not worth comparing to the opportunity to minister here in Haiti.
Thank you again to all of you who have prayed, especially for Bob and Nick - they are both feeling much better. God bless and have a great night.
As church ended, we made our way back down the trail to our vehicle. From the side of our vehicle, we handed out 200 hygiene packs in about 30 minutes. The pastor organized and decided who got packs, one per family. It was so cool to assist the church, show love to the people, and represent Jesus well.
Before we left, I had the opportunity to play pass with the nerf football I brought, give away candy to the kids and show pictures of my family to all who would look. All this was done in an attempt to connect with the people in love. What an awesome time of ministry!
Now I am watching updates of the super bowl on an on again off again wifi signal -- Colts 10 / Saints 6. I miss watching the game with all of you, but it is a very small sacrifice that is not worth comparing to the opportunity to minister here in Haiti.
Thank you again to all of you who have prayed, especially for Bob and Nick - they are both feeling much better. God bless and have a great night.
"Haiti Day 5" written on Day 6
What another great day. Steve and I had the opportunity to work in the warehouse again today. Last night three trucks came and unloaded while we were gone. Upon arrival at the warehouse this morning, we found supplies everywhere, all over the facility. Most of our day we spent organizing all the supplies we have received. It was awesome to be able to lead the Haitian crew and get the warehouse in better functioning order. All day trucks of various sizes kept coming for supplies. Every truck was accompanied with a small group of dedicated people who were ready to distribute in the name of Jesus to their communities. Two semi-trailers arrived filled with bottled water. It took our Haitian friends nearly all afternoon to unload this precious cargo.
Please pray for Nick and Bob, two of the Convoy of Hope team members, they have been sick, but somewhat better. We are seeing great results in the midst of this devastation. Thank you for your love and support.
Please pray for Nick and Bob, two of the Convoy of Hope team members, they have been sick, but somewhat better. We are seeing great results in the midst of this devastation. Thank you for your love and support.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Dan and Van Can! - by Annette
Saturday morning held the big job of shoveling the driveway and cleaning off the van. Savannah,our ten year old daughter, said she would go out and get started. She wanted me to take her to a party later in the day is why she was so eager. I didn't want to shovel so I worked on getting the boys dressed and ready to outside. This is a job that takes awhile and usually bothers me but today I didn't mind. I dreaded the shoveling. I started to open the screen door and walk out as I looked Dan Manis, a friend from church, was shoveling our porch. Oh, that's why the whole drive is done. Savannah is a really hard worker, but I didn't think she was that fast. I chatted with Dan a minute and he headed down the drive to leave. Savannah said "Thanks for helping us you did most of the work" He told her that she did good and had about half shoveled before he came. I am glad that you didn't take Dan with you, Carl, because when it comes to shoveling "Dan Can" better than me. He has a servant's heart and is a great guy. However, in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder if he isn't sent out on a secret mission by his precious wife Deb to get more chocolate chip cookies! LOL Our church family is such a blessing to Pastor Carl and I. Today is just another example of this truth.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Haiti - Day 4
Wow, what a day! After breakfast, we headed down to the warehouse, where as of today, 2.3 million meals and other aid have been shipped out to church distribution sites all across Port au Prince. All morning and into the early afternoon, Steve and I worked alongside the Haitians receiving trucks filled with new supplies. The much needed supplies consist of many items including, rice, beans, canned meats, sleeping bags, tents, medical supplies, crocs and even a portable x-ray machine for the clinic that is located just yards from the warehouse. As supplies came in, those same supplies began to go out in smaller trucks to churches who would distribute the aid. In some cases the aid went out as soon as it came it - no delays, very little red tap - awesome.
At about 2:30 p.m., Paul came by and asked us to go with him into Port au Prince. We got into the truck and off we went. During the twenty minute drive into Port au Prince, we passed by the coast line, some beautiful rolling hills and then a distinct smell. "What is that smell," I asked Paul. He said that it was a combination of the sulfur lake near by mixed in with smell of decomposing bodies in the mass grave up the hill to our right. In the distance, we could see heavy equipment sitting on a hill that had been used to create the final resting place for thousands.
As we progressed into the city, every so often we would come across tent cities. These make shift communities numbered in the dozens and sometimes into the thousands. The randonness of the earthquake devastation was surprising. A three or four story structure that was completely pancaked may be sitting next to a store that was now open and functioning. The streets were filled with people: a few beggars, some shoppers and vendors of every kind. And the traffic was the worst of any country I have ever traveled. Our two hour trip into and out of the city turned into about four due the grindlock. We arrived back in time for dinner and an short evening of reflection and fellowship.
I am starting to next a feel of the needs that Convoy of Hope is meeting and the structure it is fine tuning to meet these needs. I look forward to another great day tomorrow. Thank you to all who have sent me and are praying for me.
Lord, here are we, use us (me in Haiti and you in prayer).
At about 2:30 p.m., Paul came by and asked us to go with him into Port au Prince. We got into the truck and off we went. During the twenty minute drive into Port au Prince, we passed by the coast line, some beautiful rolling hills and then a distinct smell. "What is that smell," I asked Paul. He said that it was a combination of the sulfur lake near by mixed in with smell of decomposing bodies in the mass grave up the hill to our right. In the distance, we could see heavy equipment sitting on a hill that had been used to create the final resting place for thousands.
As we progressed into the city, every so often we would come across tent cities. These make shift communities numbered in the dozens and sometimes into the thousands. The randonness of the earthquake devastation was surprising. A three or four story structure that was completely pancaked may be sitting next to a store that was now open and functioning. The streets were filled with people: a few beggars, some shoppers and vendors of every kind. And the traffic was the worst of any country I have ever traveled. Our two hour trip into and out of the city turned into about four due the grindlock. We arrived back in time for dinner and an short evening of reflection and fellowship.
I am starting to next a feel of the needs that Convoy of Hope is meeting and the structure it is fine tuning to meet these needs. I look forward to another great day tomorrow. Thank you to all who have sent me and are praying for me.
Lord, here are we, use us (me in Haiti and you in prayer).
A Little At A Time - by Annette
Carl wasn't surprised when he talked to me a couple of days ago and I was stressed about the "Big Snow Storm" that was heading our way. 6-8 inches were forcasted so he needed to come back to shovel it. He said he'd come back. I knew he would shovel for me if he could but being in Haiti would make that impossible. Lovingly my hubby said "Just go out and shovel "a little at a time "so it won't be too hard". Have you seen our driveway? It had been snowing for an hour so I decided it was time. I reluctantly put my coat on and grabbed the shovel. As I started I thought this isn't so bad. I was on level ground. As I made my trek down our ski slope for a driveway it was harder. He (being Carl) should be doing this not me--one slip-oh, he's in Haiti he can't--two slips-I should be in Haiti--three slips. Every hour I put my coat back on and went back out again and again until dark. A task that was not any fun taught me an important lesson tonight. There are a lot of things that come our way in life that just are not fun. Pain from our past that we have to work through, projects that need to be done, or the disciplines that need to be mastered in our everyday life. I am so thankful that with Jesus' help we can face anything that comes our way---A little at a time.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Haiti - Day 3
After five more flights, a sprint through the airport in Santo Domingo and a thrilling experience in Port au Prince customs, I am finally in Haiti. I met Paul and Nick, two Convoy of Hope staff, and off we went through Port au Prince. Immediately after leaving the airport, we were confronted by tent communities. The tent communities were right by the airport and are now starting to pop up outside of the city as people flee the devastation. The short car ride took us out of town to the 35 acre complex that Convoy of Hope is useing. This complex has many buildings including a 7200 square foot warehouse, dormitories and a small hospital. After arriving here, we unpacked and ate dinner with all the other medical and disaster relief staff that come from varioius other ministries. Now I am in my dorm style type apartment with six other guys getting ready for bed.
Today has been fun, tomorrow is going to be amazingly anointed and effective. No matter what I do over the next few days, I trust God to use me. "All that belongs to the Father is mine, Jesus said (John 16:15a). My entire week belongs to you.
Today has been fun, tomorrow is going to be amazingly anointed and effective. No matter what I do over the next few days, I trust God to use me. "All that belongs to the Father is mine, Jesus said (John 16:15a). My entire week belongs to you.
Got Hope - by Annette
Got Hope? That was the shirt of Carl's I saw laying on the floor yesterday morning. Before I knew it I was running into the hallway out of my bedroom and grabbing the shirt off the floor-picking it up-smelling and hugging it. Wow!! I'm more crazy about this guy than I thought. Those two words have stuck in my mind the last couple of days. I have hope! The famous song says it better than I ever could "My hope is built on nothing l;ess than Jesus' blood and righteousness....On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand." I am so proud of Carl. To bring hope to others is quite an awesome thing to do. Hope in Jesus is priceless. Jesus is the only true hope. Psalms 130:5 says, "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope." Look to Jesus and when you are asked "Got Hope?" you will be able to say YES! I DO!!!
Haiti Missions Trip Updates
Hello from Annette! I am delighted to bring you news from Pastor Carl. He is making his final flight into PortAu Prince. His plane left Santa Domingo at 2:52 today. I am not sure how long his flight is but we prayed he would get there quickly and it worked. He is flying in with two other guys that he will spend the week working with. Steve has retired from the army and Mike is a contractor. The goal for these three will be to bring assistance and relief to workers who have been there for three weeks. Pray for their luggage to join them quickly. Pray for continually safety.
I am so excited about this opportunity for Carl. Thank you so much Pastor Walt and our family at Faith Church. We are truly blessed to be a part of a church that has a heart to serve. Thank you for your support, prayers,financial blesses and so on and so on. God has filled me with such a peace. His word is truly manna from heaven for me. Yesterday I read 1 Samuel 10:6-7 "The Spirit of the Lord will come on you in power, and you will prophesy with them and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you."
I am so excited about this opportunity for Carl. Thank you so much Pastor Walt and our family at Faith Church. We are truly blessed to be a part of a church that has a heart to serve. Thank you for your support, prayers,financial blesses and so on and so on. God has filled me with such a peace. His word is truly manna from heaven for me. Yesterday I read 1 Samuel 10:6-7 "The Spirit of the Lord will come on you in power, and you will prophesy with them and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you."
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Haiti Bound: Day 1
After over a week of preparation, I am now on my way to Haiti.
Day 1: After getting a call around 11:00am today that put my status to active, Tim Lusher and I left for the first leg of my journey. This section of the trip involved eight hours and five hundred miles in the car. Our drive has brought us to Green Stay Hotel and Suites in Springfield, MO. Tim has been so gracious to drive me here. He will be making the tract back to Anderson in the morning.
Tomorrow, I will meet up with other leaders for orientation at the Convoy of Hope facilities, then catch a flight out of Branson, MO to Orlando -- from there to Santa Domingo -- then to Port au Prince. When I arrive at Port au Prince, I will be assisting in various ways with logisitcs and flow of aid at the many points of distrbution Convoy of Hope has in the city. It will be a awesome time of serving others in Jesus name.
As I sit at this hotel lobby computer, I am uncertain all that lies ahead, but I am certain it is God's time and plan. I am grateful to God and all who have given of their time, finances, and especially prayers to make this ministry opportunity possible.
My task is to represent Jesus well. I want to fulfill Christ command when he stated, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:7-8)
Lord, help me to remain in you, so that I will bear much fruit and bring glory to your name.
Day 1: After getting a call around 11:00am today that put my status to active, Tim Lusher and I left for the first leg of my journey. This section of the trip involved eight hours and five hundred miles in the car. Our drive has brought us to Green Stay Hotel and Suites in Springfield, MO. Tim has been so gracious to drive me here. He will be making the tract back to Anderson in the morning.
Tomorrow, I will meet up with other leaders for orientation at the Convoy of Hope facilities, then catch a flight out of Branson, MO to Orlando -- from there to Santa Domingo -- then to Port au Prince. When I arrive at Port au Prince, I will be assisting in various ways with logisitcs and flow of aid at the many points of distrbution Convoy of Hope has in the city. It will be a awesome time of serving others in Jesus name.
As I sit at this hotel lobby computer, I am uncertain all that lies ahead, but I am certain it is God's time and plan. I am grateful to God and all who have given of their time, finances, and especially prayers to make this ministry opportunity possible.
My task is to represent Jesus well. I want to fulfill Christ command when he stated, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:7-8)
Lord, help me to remain in you, so that I will bear much fruit and bring glory to your name.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Value of a Penny
"Dad, dad, look what I found!" As I look, I could see Spencer, my 7 and a half year old son, rummaging through the creases of the overstuffed chair in our living room. "What could he of found?” I pondered -- (a long lost hot wheel, some stale popcorn, a broken pencil). "Look dad", he said again as he extended his hand toward me. It was a dirt covered penny. Admittedly, I did not feel the same excitement. "Dad, can I have it?” he asked with a sense of great expectation. "Sure Spence", I said with a feeling of generosity in my heart.
"Great dad, I want you to take it to Haiti and give it to someone in need.” he said as he placed the penny in my hand. Wow ... now I was humbled.
When I depart I will take that penny and hundreds of dollars that other generous people have given, and use it so that others can see the love of Jesus demonstrated through acts of compassion. My passion is that those in need will sense the love of Jesus with every bottle of water or meal given. Why is this important that we represent Christ well? -- because he is "... the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6b).
Spencer's heart to give reminds us that every gift, resource and talent no matter how small, can be used to glorify God ... even a penny.
"Great dad, I want you to take it to Haiti and give it to someone in need.” he said as he placed the penny in my hand. Wow ... now I was humbled.
When I depart I will take that penny and hundreds of dollars that other generous people have given, and use it so that others can see the love of Jesus demonstrated through acts of compassion. My passion is that those in need will sense the love of Jesus with every bottle of water or meal given. Why is this important that we represent Christ well? -- because he is "... the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6b).
Spencer's heart to give reminds us that every gift, resource and talent no matter how small, can be used to glorify God ... even a penny.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Stinky Feet

Jesus, their Lord and teacher, took time to wash these sandal wearing, dust covered, nasty feet of twelve grown men. Why? Jesus explains, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." (John 13:15-17)
Jesus demonstrated for us that loving and serving one another is a key to a blessed life. Jesus seals the deal when he states, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)
Lord, help us to show our love for you by loving and serving others -- even if we must take care of someone's stinky feet.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Extravagant Worship
My kids love to hear, "Great Job" or "I'm proud of you", when they have done something well. Whether it is an A+ test score, completing a household chore or hitting a shot at the basketball game -- I look for opportunities to encourage and uplift them. Mary showed great passion when uplifting Jesus in a different way for a different reason, "Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." (John 12:3)
She expressed her love extravagantly and with much personal sacrifice. The skeptical thoughts of others and ridicule did not deter her. Jesus was worth her adoration and worship.
Lord, teach us to love you with Mary-like extravagant worship -- you truly deserve it.
She expressed her love extravagantly and with much personal sacrifice. The skeptical thoughts of others and ridicule did not deter her. Jesus was worth her adoration and worship.
Lord, teach us to love you with Mary-like extravagant worship -- you truly deserve it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Faith Filled
"It might stick a little", the nurse warned as she embedded the needle into my arm. It was worth the amount of pain and soreness I felt from the injection, because I put my trust and faith in the doctor to know what to prescribe and the nurse to carrying out the order. Martha demonstrates her trust and faith in Jesus when he arrived after her brother's death in John 11.
"Lord," Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." (John 11:21-22)
What is she saying -- does she truly believe that Jesus can do something for her brother now? Jesus responds. "Your brother will rise again." (John 11:23) Shortly after their conversation, Jesus goes to the tomb and brings her brother back to life.
Each day I have a choice to put my full faith in Jesus to guide, provide and do great things for and through me. Martha seemed to have this full faith in Jesus. Lord, help us to have the same.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)
"Lord," Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask." (John 11:21-22)
What is she saying -- does she truly believe that Jesus can do something for her brother now? Jesus responds. "Your brother will rise again." (John 11:23) Shortly after their conversation, Jesus goes to the tomb and brings her brother back to life.
Each day I have a choice to put my full faith in Jesus to guide, provide and do great things for and through me. Martha seemed to have this full faith in Jesus. Lord, help us to have the same.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Happy All The Time
I'm in right out right up right down right happy all the time.
I'm in right out right up right down right happy all the time.
Since Jesus Christ came in -- and washed away my sins.
I'm in right out right up right down right happy all the time.
I love singing this church song with my kids. These simple lyrics have deep meaning. It states that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes into our lives and transforms us. When we invite him in he gives us "life, and ... (life) to the full." (John 10:10b)
He loves us so much that he protects us so that we "shall never perish; no one can snatch (us) out of (his) hand. My Father, who has given (you) to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch (us) out of my Father's hand." (John 10:28b-29)
Thank you father that you are in me, beside me, above me, below me and all around me. Anoint me to introduce you to others so that Jesus Christ can come in -- and washed away their sins too.
I'm in right out right up right down right happy all the time.
Since Jesus Christ came in -- and washed away my sins.
I'm in right out right up right down right happy all the time.
I love singing this church song with my kids. These simple lyrics have deep meaning. It states that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes into our lives and transforms us. When we invite him in he gives us "life, and ... (life) to the full." (John 10:10b)
He loves us so much that he protects us so that we "shall never perish; no one can snatch (us) out of (his) hand. My Father, who has given (you) to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch (us) out of my Father's hand." (John 10:28b-29)
Thank you father that you are in me, beside me, above me, below me and all around me. Anoint me to introduce you to others so that Jesus Christ can come in -- and washed away their sins too.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Clean Your Room

God desires us to listen and obey as well. It is simple, but sometimes we make it hard. The blind man was faced with a choice to listen and obey when Jesus told him, "Go, ... wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing." (John 9:7)
He did not say, "Why can't you heal me here?" or "Can't you see I am blind and your going to make me walk to the pool of Siloam!" No, he simply listened and obeyed, and then Jesus completed the miracle. When questioned about it he stated the obvious, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see." (John 9:11)
Lord, help us to listen and obey, so we can truly see you and tell others.
Friday, January 22, 2010
God is so Cool.
Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." (John 8:10-11)
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12b)
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:34-36)
We have the privilege of being forgiven of our sin, connected to God (who has a bright future for us) and receiving complete and total freedom from a life of sin. Wow -- God is so cool!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
"Dad, will you help me with research for my report," Savannah, my 5th grade daughter asked. Over the next hour, we spent time surfing the internet for data. I eagerly watched as her thirst to learn was evident. School teachers, coaches and fathers (like me); all have one thing in common -- a desire to teach their students, players and children to become the best they can be.
Jesus teaching profoundly makes us better. When asked about where his powerful, life changing teaching originated, "Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. (John 7:16). He went to the perfect source, God the father, that enabled him to teach with such authority.
Lord, help us to teach your truth ... in your name ... with great authority. I know it will bring the best results in people's lives.
Jesus teaching profoundly makes us better. When asked about where his powerful, life changing teaching originated, "Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. (John 7:16). He went to the perfect source, God the father, that enabled him to teach with such authority.
Lord, help us to teach your truth ... in your name ... with great authority. I know it will bring the best results in people's lives.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Bread and Fish
As I watch continual news coverage of the devastation in Haiti, I am reminded of our time in Biloxi, MS after Hurricane Katrina. The height of effectiveness and the level of God's direction seemed palpable as we handed out much needed food and supplies. The overwhelming needs of the residents were met by a continual flow of dedicated Christian volunteers who ministered with compassion. The need should of overwhelmed us in Biloxi, but it did not.
Jesus also faced a overwhelming tasks of feeding 1000's of people one day. He took the limited resources available, "five small barley loaves of bread and two small fish" (John 6:9) and began to share with the multitudes. He and his disciples miraculously feed each person all they wanted. The need should of overwhelmed him, but it did not.
Jesus also faced a overwhelming tasks of feeding 1000's of people one day. He took the limited resources available, "five small barley loaves of bread and two small fish" (John 6:9) and began to share with the multitudes. He and his disciples miraculously feed each person all they wanted. The need should of overwhelmed him, but it did not.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Serving Others
My life overflows with people that give, love and selflessly serve others. Annette, my wife, spends countless hours educating our boys, managing our house and taking care of me (her most challenging task). Pastor Walt, our pastor, tirelessly ministers through godly counsel, anointed preaching and wise leadership. The over 100 volunteers at my church passionately give of their time in serving the children in our children's ministry.
Being surrounded by selfless people , reminds me what Jesus said of his mission, "I seek not to please myself but him who sent me" (John 5:30b). He truly exemplifies the ultimate in selfless dedication to others. Lord, help me to recognize more of the many opportunities you put before me to serve others and please you.
Being surrounded by selfless people , reminds me what Jesus said of his mission, "I seek not to please myself but him who sent me" (John 5:30b). He truly exemplifies the ultimate in selfless dedication to others. Lord, help me to recognize more of the many opportunities you put before me to serve others and please you.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Living Water for Haiti
The value of something is often dictated by the scarcity of it and the demand for it. In Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area, the simplest of things are quickly becoming of the greatest value. Food, water, medication and clothing are extremely scant in a city that has an overwhelming demand. As I hear of the devastation that the precious people of Haiti are experiencing in the aftermath of this horrible earthquake, I am reminded what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well.
"Everyone who drinks this water (from the well) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)
As Christ-centered relief volunteers and resources flow in massive amounts from churches in the coming days, I am confident that lives will be saved -- not only from physical death due to disease and hunger, but eternal death due to the anointed assistance given with love and compassion in Jesus name. I pray that the "spring of water welling up to eternal life" will be in as much demand as any fresh water that can temporary satisfy physical thirst.
"Everyone who drinks this water (from the well) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)
As Christ-centered relief volunteers and resources flow in massive amounts from churches in the coming days, I am confident that lives will be saved -- not only from physical death due to disease and hunger, but eternal death due to the anointed assistance given with love and compassion in Jesus name. I pray that the "spring of water welling up to eternal life" will be in as much demand as any fresh water that can temporary satisfy physical thirst.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The eager eyes of my 4 and 5 year old swimming students peered out with anticipation as we began our 45 minute session. Kenny, a quiet boy, had been a student of others before, but this was just our second session together. As the session progressed, it seemed with every word of instruction and swim stroke practiced, Kenny was making huge improvements. As I affirmed him, it motivated him even more that by the end of the session I excitedly shared with his mom of his great strides. My desire is to assist him and the other students to reach their fullest potential as swimmers.
John the Baptist is one who had reached his fullest potential for God and fully understood his purpose. When John the Baptist was asked why Jesus was beginning to have a bigger following than he, his wise response was, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven" (John 3:27). His desire was to assist others in reaching the fullest potential that had been given to them from heaven and in turn become dedicated Christ followers.
Lord, help us to understand and fulfill our purpose and help others to do the same.
John the Baptist is one who had reached his fullest potential for God and fully understood his purpose. When John the Baptist was asked why Jesus was beginning to have a bigger following than he, his wise response was, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven" (John 3:27). His desire was to assist others in reaching the fullest potential that had been given to them from heaven and in turn become dedicated Christ followers.
Lord, help us to understand and fulfill our purpose and help others to do the same.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Home Sweet Home

Jesus enjoyed his home as well. John 2 tells us he had a "zeal for his house that consume(d) him." Is his zeal for his house, the temple, so strong because of the ornate instruments of gold or the wise priests who resided there? No, in part, it was because God, his father, dwelled in that place ... the one Jesus cherished the most.
Lord, dwell in me and my home. Help me to cherish you the most.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Come and See
"Come and See". A simple statement with a lot of meaning. It is what advertisers desire consumers to do after hearing about a certain product. It is what teachers hope their students will do when asked to dive into their studies. It is what coaches implore their players to do when endeavoring to learn the playbook. And it is this simple statement that Philip makes to Nathanael in John 1 when inviting him to "come and see" Jesus.
As a Christ follower, I desperately want all the people I know to, "come and see" Jesus. I only hope that people can "come and see" the love and character of Jesus demonstrated in me ... and in you.
As a Christ follower, I desperately want all the people I know to, "come and see" Jesus. I only hope that people can "come and see" the love and character of Jesus demonstrated in me ... and in you.
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